I walk alone
through all my life
and I am still alive
I am alone in this moment right now
knownig that my problem is only mine
knowing that you have bigest problems and I know that you are right
I wish I could help you with your problems, but you never asked me to help you
couse you don’t know me
and you can not trust me am I right
would I help you if you asked me:
if I know the way to help you my answer is: I would.
But, I travel alone for all my life
why should be different right now
couse I know who am I or maybe I know better
what can I expect from the life
why should be anybody comes to me and say:
“hey it’s ok
come and talk to me
I trust you
I will help you I’m not gonna let you die
on your buttlefield rigt now
couse I am the human being and
this is my way of exist”
— this is delusion —–